Saturday, July 14, 2012

mere observation

I've been watching the tour de france almost everyday for the past few weeks.  I woke up this morning and this car was across the street from my house.  Thought it was very appropriate.

Friday, July 13, 2012

lila rae today

Thought it would be fun to share a foto of my daughter to see how much she has grown since, the last daily project I put together.  She still inspires me everyday to be a better person with each move I make.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Steve Jobs Memorial

Decided to stop by the 5th Avenue apple store to pay tribute to a true genius.
I have been reading his biography for the past few weeks and did not realize all of the great things that Steve Jobs really brought into the world.
The world will truly miss you.
Your work will continue to inspire.
Here's to the crazy ones.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Once upon a dandelion

I took this picture of these seeds before they were dispersed into the world.
I still believe they are full of wishes for everyone to enjoy.
Makes for limitless possibilities...

Monday, May 30, 2011

Into the Fog

I recently wandered around in the early hours of the morning chasing down a shot.
The haunting beauty of this environment was both inspirational and striking at the same time.
The grass was covered with a fresh layer of morning dew as I rolled up my pants and continued onward in search of this image. I wondered around aimlessly, transfixed on my surroundings and the task at hand. I gently pressed down on the shutter and this is what was created at that moment.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Snowy Daze

We had another blast of winter yesterday and I did not have time to shoot
photos in the morning, so I did so during my lunch.
This was one the images I composed while driving around in the middle of nowhere,
I found these giant pine trees on both sides of this driveway.
It looked so beautiful and it made me feel like a kid again.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

just me

I still enjoy the challenge of a self portrait.
How can it be made different?
Is is still visually interesting?
Have I changed since the last time?

All interesting questions that somehow get answered with each click.